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synced 2025-03-04 12:09:00 -08:00
* 🚧 Initial progress on PostBin node. * ✨ Implemented Bin and Request operations for PostBin node. * 🚧 Reworked the node in the declarative way. * 🚧 PosBin node refactoring after reworking it. * ✨ Implemented Bin id parsing in PostBin node. Done some final refactoring and documentation. * ⚡ Improvements * ⚡ Add comments * 👌Updating the PostBin node based on the product review * 💄Updating PostBin node Bin ID validation logic * ⚡ Small improvements * ⚡ Transform the bin requests and add additional properties Co-authored-by: ricardo <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <[email protected]>
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