mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
* ⚡ Initial refactor of Zoho node
* ⚡ Refactor out extra credentials parameter
* 🔥 Remove unused filters
* ⚡ Fix date of birth fields
* ⚡ Fix param casing
* ⚡ Adjust param types
* ⚡ Adjust invoice operations
* ⚡ Refactor types in adjusters
* ⚡ Add product resource
* ⚡ Refactor product details field
* ⚡ Adjust purchase order params
* ⚡ Adjust quote params
* ⚡ Adjust sales orders params
* 🔥 Remove old unused files
* ⚡ Add vendor resource
* ⚡ Fix minor details
* ⚡ Implement continueOnFail
* 🐛 Fix empty response for getAll
* ⚡ Simplify response for single item
* 🔥 Remove unused import
* 🔨 Restore old node name
* ⚡ Prevent request on empty update
* ⚡ Apply Dali's suggestions
* ⚡ Improvements
* ⚡ Add filters for lead:getAll
* ⚡ Add upsert to all resources
* ⚡ Add filters to all getAll operations
* 🔨 Restore continue on fail
* 🔨 Refactor upsert addition
* 🔨 Refactor getFields for readability
* ⚡ Add custom fields to all create-update ops
* ⚡ Implement custom fields adjuster
* 🔥 Remove logging
* 👕 Appease linter
* 👕 Refactor type helper for linter
* ⚡ Fix refactored type
* 🔨 Refactor reduce for simplicity
* ⚡ Fix vendor:getAll filter options
* ⚡ Fix custom fields for product operations
* ⚡ Make sort_by into options param
* 🚚 Rename upsert operation
* ✏️ Add descriptions to upsert
* ⚡ Deduplicate system-defined check fields
* 🔨 Re-order address fields
* ✏️ Generalize references in getAll fields
* 🔥 Remove extra comma
* ⚡ Make getFields helper more readable
* ✏️ Touch up description for account ID
* 🔥 Remove currency from contacts
* 🔨 Resort emails and phones for contact
* 🐛 Fix sales cycle duration param type
* ✏️ Clarify descriptions with percentages
* 🔨 Reorder total fields
* ✏️ Clarify percentages for discounts
* ✏️ Clarify percentages for commissions
* 🔨 Convert currency to picklist
* ✏️ Add documentation links
* ⚡ Add resource loaders for picklists
* ⚡ Fix build
* 🔨 Refactor product details
* ⚡ Add resolve data to all resources
* ⚡ Change resolve data toggle default
* ⚡ Restore lead:getFields operation
* 🔥 Remove upsert descriptions
* 🔨 Change casing for upsert operations
* ⚡ Add operation descriptions
* 🔨 Restore makeResolve default value
* 🔨 Return nested details
* ⚡ Reposition Resolve Data toggles
* ✏️ Document breaking changes
* Revert "Reposition Resolve Data toggles"
This reverts commit 72ac41780b
* ⚡ Improvements
Co-authored-by: ricardo <[email protected]>
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