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synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
* refactor(editor): N8N-4540 Main navigation layout rework (#4060) * ✨ Implemented new editor layout using css grid * ✨ Reworking main navigation layout, migrating some styling to css modules * ✨ Reworking main sidebar layout and responsiveness * 💄 Minor type update * ✨ Updated editor grid layout so empty cells are collapsed (`fit-content`), fixed updates menu items styling * ✨ Implemented new user area look & feel in main sidebar * 💄 Adjusting sidebar bottom padding when user area is not shown * 💄 CSS cleanup/refactor + minor vue refactoring * ✨ Fixing overscoll issue in chrome and scrolling behaviour of the content view * 👌 Addressing review feedback * ✨ Added collapsed and expanded versions of n8n logo * ✨ Updating infinite scrolling in templates view to work with the new layout * 💄 Updating main sidebar expanded width and templates view left margin * 💄 Updating main content height * 💄 Adding global styles for scrollable views with centered content, minor updates to user area * ✨ Updating zoomToFit logic, lasso select box position and new nodes positioning * ✨ Fixing new node drop position now that mouse detection has been adjusted * 👌 Updating templates view scroll to top logic and responsive padding, aligning menu items titles * 💄 Moving template layout style from global css class to component level * ✨ Moved 'Workflows' menu to node view header. Added new dropdown component for user area and the new WF menu * 💄 Updating disabled states in new WF menu * 💄 Initial stab at new sidebar styling * ✨ Finished main navigation restyling * ✨ Updating `zoomToFit` and centering logic * ✨ Adding updates menu item to settings sidebar * 💄 Adding updates item to the settings sidebar and final touches on main sidebar style * 💄 Removing old code & refactoring * 💄 Minor CSS tweaks * 💄 Opening credentials modal on sidebar menu item click. Minor CSS updates * 💄 Updating sidebar expand/collapse animation * 💄 Few more refinements of sidebar animation * 👌 Addressing code review comments * ✨ Moved ActionDropdown component to design system * 👌 Fixing bugs reported during code review and testing * 👌 Addressing design review comments for the new sidebar * ✔️ Updating `N8nActionDropdown` component tests * ✨ Remembering scroll position when going back to templates list * ✨ Updating zoomToFit logic to account for footer content * 👌 Addressing latest sidebar review comments * 👌 Addressing main sidebar product review comments * 💄 Updating css variable names after vite merge * ✔️ Fixing linting errors in the design system * ✔️ Fixing `element-ui` type import * 👌 Addressing the code review comments. * ✨ Adding link to new credentials view, removed old modal * 💄 Updating credentials view responsiveness and route highlight handling * 💄 Adding highlight to workflows submenu when on new workflow page * 💄 Updated active submenu text color
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