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synced 2025-01-31 14:22:02 -08:00
* ⚡ Generalize unique entity name generation * ⚡ Standardize variable names * redo credentials * revert some changes, replace got with was * fix v-if order * fix v-if order * update linting * update gulpfile * update ssh display name * update height * update params * update info tip sizes * address design comments * update google button disabled * update icon size to 28px * update design issues * update info tab design * address design comments * update tab size * update run data spacing * address comments, update logo design * fix spacing issues * clean up store * fix create new bug * add loading state * rename prop * remove unused prop * fix select bug * remove label tag * update word break * build * address design comments * update font family of button * update menu opacity * update text * update title * address more comments * update oauth messages * add oauth validation * hide disabled state * update warning modal * show button on text input * clean up cred details * add validation errors * fix bug when deleting cred * Frontend hack to display test button * Created interfaces for testing and endpoint * Testing slack node credentials working * Adding test with node to endpoint for credential testing * Fixed linting and test detectability * Adding required for slack token * Added google sheets credential testing * update message * Adding suggestions by Ivan and Mutasem * Address comments * keep blurred when focused * update font weight of errors * add oauth banner * remove toast * Fixed code bug and added telegram credential testing * scroll to top on success * clean up duplication * Fixed telegram trigger node and added tests to typeform * refactor modal * add more validation support * refactor info tab * scroll to bottom on save, handle cred saving * refactor save button * save cred on valid * save cred on valid * scroll to top if has error * add targets on input labels * delete credentails input * revert fe changes * update validation logic * clean interface * test credentials * update banner design * show testing state * update x position * fix issues * fix focus issues * clean up validation behavior * make error relative * update banner component * update error spacing * don't close dialog * rename button * update how banners behave * if has unsaved changes first * move confirm message * add success banner * update time state * disable transitions * test on open * clean up banner behavior * update banner styling * capitalize * update error banner styling to handle long texts * avoid unnessary content jostling * add loading label * show validation warnings when opening modal * retest cred if not all props req * update scroll to auto * add error warning * update color saturation * set overflow to auto * fix bug to get credentials when connected * round down to minutes * change tab name * update casing oauth * disable credential testing if it has expressions * label same as title * add more space between close and save * remove check on making any changes * hide close on confirm modals * don't accept clicks outside dialog * fix build issues * undo test changes * fix table scrollbar logs * rename modals * fix bug with same name * refactor modal * fix tslint issue * refactor name * update name behavior * update monospace font * remove comment * refactor inputs * refactor error handling * reduce spacing changes * fix doc url oauth1 oauth2 * build * hide infotip if no inputs * address most comments * rename file * fix menu alignment * gst * update types Co-authored-by: Iván Ovejero <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Omar Ajoue <[email protected]>
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