2022-02-03 10:44:18 +01:00

1 KiB

id title sidebar_label
text Text Text


Display text.

Sample Configuration

  "type": "text",
  "style": "plain",
  "foreground": "#E06C75",
  "properties": {
    "template": "\u276F"

:::tip If you're using PowerShell, you can override a function to populate environment variables before the prompt is rendered.

function Set-EnvVar {
New-Alias -Name 'Set-PoshContext' -Value 'Set-EnvVar' -Scope Global -Force


Template (info)


  • .Root: boolean - is the current user root/admin or not
  • .Path: string - the current working directory
  • .Folder: string - the current working folder
  • .Shell: string - the current shell name
  • .UserName: string - the current user name
  • .HostName: string - the host name
  • .Env.VarName: string - Any environment variable where VarName is the environment variable name