2021-01-01 08:46:22 +01:00

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configure Configuration ⚙️ Configuration

Oh my Posh renders your prompt based on the definition of blocks (like Lego) which contain or more segments. A really simple configuration could look like this.

  "final_space": true,
  "blocks": [
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "type": "path",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#61AFEF",
          "properties": {
            "prefix": " \uE5FF ",
            "style": "folder"

With this configuration, a single powerline segment is rendered that shows the name of the folder you're currently in. To set this configuration in combination with a Oh my Posh executable, use the --config flag to set a path to a json file containing the above code. The --shell universal flag is used to print the prompt without escape characters to see the prompt as it would be shown inside a prompt function for your shell.

:::info The command below will not persist the configuration for your shell but print the prompt in your terminal. If you want to use your own configuration permanently, adjust the prompt configuration to use your custom theme. :::

oh-my-posh --config sample.json --shell universal

If all goes according to plan, you should see the prompt being printed out on the line below. In case you see a lot of boxes with question marks, set up your terminal to use a supported font before continuing.

General Settings

  • final_space: boolean - when true adds a space at the end of the prompt
  • console_title: boolean - when true sets the current location as the console title
  • console_title_style: string - the title to set in the console - defaults to folder
  • console_title_template: string - the template to use when "console_title_style" = "template" - defaults to {{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}

"I Like The Way You Speak Words" - Gary Goodspeed

Console Title Style

  • folder: show the current folder name
  • path: show the current path
  • template: show the current path

Console Title Template

You can create a more custom console title with the use of "console_title_style" = "template". When this is set, a console_title_template is also expected, otherwise the title will remain empty. Under the hood this uses go's text/template feature and offers a few standard properties to work with.

  • .Root: boolean - is the current user root/admin or not
  • .Path: string - the current working directory
  • .Folder: string - the current working folder
  • .Shell: string - the current shell name

A boolean can be used for conditional display purposes, a string can be displayed. The following examples illustrate possible contents for console_title_template, provided the current working directory is /usr/home/omp and the shell is zsh.

    "console_title_template": "{{.Folder}}{{if .Root}} :: root{{end}} :: {{.Shell}}",
    // outputs:
    // when root == false: omp :: zsh
    // when root == true: omp :: root :: zsh
    "console_title_template": "{{.Folder}}", // outputs: omp
    "console_title_template": "{{.Shell}} in {{.Path}}", // outputs: zsh in /usr/home/omp


Let's take a closer look at what defines a block.

  • type: prompt | rprompt | newline
  • alignment: left | right
  • vertical_offset: int
  • horizontal_offset: int
  • segments: array of one or more segments


Tells the engine what to do with the block. There are three options:

  • prompt renders one or more segments
  • rprompt renders one or more segments aligned to the right of the cursor. Only one rprompt block is permitted. Supported on ZSH and Powershell.
  • newline inserts a new line to start the next block on a new line. newline blocks require no additional configuration other than the type.


Tell the engine if the block should be left or right aligned.

Vertical offset

Move the block up or down x lines. For example vertical_offset: 1 moves the prompt down one line, vertical_offset: -1 moves it up one line.

Horizontal offset

Moves the segment to the left or the right to have it exactly where you want it to be. Works like vertical_offset but on a horizontal level where a negative number moves the block left and a positive number right.


Array of one or more segments.


A segments is a part of the prompt with a certain context. There are different types available out of the box, if you're looking for what's included, feel free to skip this part and browse through the segments. Keep reading to understand how to configure a segment.

  • type: string any of the included segments
  • style: powerline | plain | diamond
  • powerline_symbol: string
  • invert_powerline: boolean
  • leading_diamond: string
  • trailing_diamond: string
  • foreground: string color
  • background: string color
  • properties: array of Property: string


Takes the string value referencing which segment logic it needs to run (see segments for possible values).


Oh Hi! You made it to a really interesting part, great! Style defines how a prompt is rendered. Looking at most prompt themes out there, we identified 3 types. All of these require a different configuration and depending on the look you want to achieve you might need to understand/use them all.


What started it all for us. Makes use of a single symbol (powerline_symbol) to separate the segments. It takes the background color of the previous segment (or transparent if none) and the foreground of the current one (or transparent if we're at the last segment). Expects segments to have a colored background, else there little use for this one.


Simple. Colored text on a transparent background. Make sure to set foreground for maximum enjoyment.


While Powerline works great with as single symbol, sometimes you want a segment to have a different start and end symbol. Just like a diamond: < my segment text >. The difference between this and plain is that the diamond symbols take the segment background as their foreground color.

Powerline symbol

Text character to use when "style": "powerline".

Invert Powerline

If true this swaps the foreground and background colors. Can be useful when the character you want does not exist in the perfectly mirrored variant for example.

Leading diamond

Text character to use at the start of the segment. Will take the background color of the segment as its foreground color.

Trailing diamond

Text character to use at the end of the segment. Will take the background color of the segment as its foreground color.


Hex color to use as the segment text foreground color. Also supports transparency using the transparent keyword.


Hex color to use as the segment text background color. Also supports transparency using the transparent keyword.


An array of Properties with a value. This is used inside of the segment logic to tweak what the output of the segment will be. Segments have the ability to define their own Properties, but there are some general ones being used by the engine which allow you to customize the output even more.

General purpose properties

You can use these on any segment, the engine is responsible for adding them correctly.

  • prefix: string
  • postfix: string
  • ignore_folders: []string

The string content will be put in front of the segment's output text. Useful for symbols, text or other customizations.


The string content will be put after the segment's output text. Useful for symbols, text or other customizations.

Ignore Folders

Sometimes you want might want to not have a segment rendered at a certain location. If so, adding the path to the segment's configuration will not render it when in that location. The engine will simply skip it.

"ignore_folders": [

You can also specify a regular expression to create wildcards to exclude certain folders. In the sample below, folders inside the /Users/posh/Projects path will not show the segment.

"ignore_folders": [

Want to only show the segment inside certain folders? Use the negative lookahead to only match folders in a certain path. Everything else will be ignored. In the sample below, only folders inside the /Users/posh/Projects/ path will show the segment.

"ignore_folders": [


You have the ability to override the foreground and/or background color for text in any property that accepts it. The syntax is custom but should be rather straighforward: <#ffffff,#000000>this is white with black background</> <#FF479C>but this is pink</>. Anything between the color start <#FF479C> and end </> will be colored accordingly.

For example, if you want prefix to print a colored bracket which isn't the same as the segment's foreground, you can do so like this:

"prefix": "<#CB4B16>┏[</>",

If you also wanted to change the background color in the previous command, you would do so like this:

"prefix": "<#CB4B16,#FFFFFF>┏[</>",

To change only the background color, just omit the first color from the above string:

"prefix": "<,#FFFFFF>┏[</>",

Oh my Posh mainly supports three different color types being

  • Typical hex colors (for example #CB4B16).

  • The transparent keyword which can be used to create either a transparent foreground override or transparent background color using the segment's foreground property.

  • 16 ANSI color names.

    These include 8 basic ANSI colors and default:

    black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white default

    as well as 8 extended ANSI colors:

    darkGray lightRed lightGreen lightYellow lightBlue lightMagenta lightCyan lightWhite

Full Sample

  "final_space": true,
  "blocks": [
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "right",
      "vertical_offset": -1,
      "segments": [
          "type": "time",
          "style": "plain",
          "foreground": "#007ACC",
          "properties": {
            "time_format": "15:04:05"
      "type": "newline"
      "type": "prompt",
      "alignment": "left",
      "segments": [
          "type": "session",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#ffb300",
          "leading_diamond": "\uE0B6",
          "trailing_diamond": "\uE0B0",
          "properties": {
            "postfix": " "
          "type": "path",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#61AFEF",
          "properties": {
            "prefix": " \uE5FF ",
            "style": "folder",
            "ignore_folders": [
          "type": "git",
          "style": "powerline",
          "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
          "foreground": "#193549",
          "background": "#ffeb3b"
          "type": "exit",
          "style": "diamond",
          "foreground": "#ffffff",
          "background": "#00897b",
          "leading_diamond": "",
          "trailing_diamond": "\uE0B4",
          "properties": {
            "display_exit_code": false,
            "always_enabled": true,
            "error_color": "#e91e63",
            "color_background": true,
            "prefix": "<#193549>\uE0B0 \uE23A</>"