2022-02-05 09:44:47 +01:00

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config-colors Colors Colors

Standard colors

Oh My Posh supports multiple different color references, being:

  • Typical hex colors (for example #CB4B16).

  • 16 ANSI color names.

  • The transparent keyword which can be used to create either a transparent foreground override or transparent background color using the segment's foreground property.

  • The foreground keyword which can be used to reference the current segment's foreground color.

  • The background keyword which can be used to reference the current segment's background color.

  • The parentForeground keyword which can be used to inherit the previous active segment's foreground color.

  • The parentBackground keyword which can be used to inherit the previous active segment's background color.

    These include 8 basic ANSI colors and default:

    black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white default

    as well as 8 extended ANSI colors:

    darkGray lightRed lightGreen lightYellow lightBlue lightMagenta lightCyan lightWhite

Color overrides

You have the ability to override the foreground and/or background color for text in any property that accepts it. The syntax is custom but should be rather straight-forward: <foreground,background>text</>. For example, <#ffffff,#000000>this is white with black background</> <#FF479C>but this is pink</>. Anything between the color start <#FF479C> and end </> will be colored accordingly.

If you want prefix to print a colored bracket that isn't the same as the segment's foreground, you can do so like this:

"template": "<#CB4B16>┏[</>",

If you also wanted to change the background color in the previous command, you would do so like this:

"template": "<#CB4B16,#FFFFFF>┏[</>",

To change only the background color, just omit the first color from the above string:

"template": "<,#FFFFFF>┏[</>",


If your theme defined the Palette, you can use the Palette reference p:<palette key> in places where the Standard color is expected.

Defining a Palette

Palette is a set of named Standard colors. To use a Palette, define a "palette" object at the top level of your theme:

    "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
    "palette": {
        "git-foreground": "#193549",
        "git": "#FFFB38",
        "git-modified": "#FF9248",
        "git-diverged": "#FF4500",
        "git-ahead": "#B388FF",
        "git-behind": "#B388FF",
        "red":   "#FF0000",
        "green": "#00FF00",
        "blue":  "#0000FF",
        "white": "#FFFFFF",
        "black": "#111111"
    "blocks": {

Color names (palette keys) can have any string value, so be creative. Color values, on the other hand, should adhere to the Standard color format.

Using a Palette

You can now Palette references in any [Segment's][segment] foreground, foreground_templates, background, background_templates properties, and other config properties that expect Standard color value. Palette reference format is p:<palette key>. Take a look at the Git segment using Palette references:

    "type": "git",
    "style": "powerline",
    "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
    "foreground": "p:git-foreground",
    "background": "p:git",
    "background_templates": [
        "{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:git-modified{{ end }}",
        "{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:git-diverged{{ end }}",
        "{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}p:git-ahead{{ end }}",
        "{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}p:git-behind{{ end }}"

Having all of the colors defined in one place allows you to import existing color themes (usually with slight tweaking to adhere to the format), easily change colors of multiple segments at once, and have a more organized theme overall. Be creative!

Palette references and Standard colors

Using Palette does not interfere with using Standard colors in your theme. You can still use Standard colors everywhere. This can be useful if you want to use a specific color for a single segment element, or in a Color override (Battery segment):

    "type": "battery",
    "style": "powerline",
    "invert_powerline": true,
    "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B2",
    "foreground": "p:white",
    "background": "p:black",
    "properties": {
        "discharging_icon": "<#ffa500>-</> ",
        "charging_icon": "+ ",
        "charged_icon": "* ",

Handling of invalid references

Should you use an invalid Palette reference as a color (for example typo p:bleu instead of p:blue), the Pallete engine will use the Transparent keyword as a fallback value. So if you see your prompt segments rendered with incorrect colors, and you are using a Palette, be sure to check the correctness of your references.

Recursive resolution

Palette allows for recursive Palette reference resolution. You can use a Palette reference as a color value in Palette. This allows you to define named colors, and use references to those colors as Palette values. For example, p:foreground and p:background will be correctly set to "#CAF0F80" and "#023E8A":

    "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json",
    "palette": {
        "light-blue": "#CAF0F8",
        "dark-blue": "#023E8A",
        "foreground": "p:light-blue",
        "background": "p:dark-blue"
    "blocks": {