Class LuminanceSource

Direct Known Subclasses:
BufferedImageLuminanceSource, InvertedLuminanceSource, PlanarYUVLuminanceSource, RGBLuminanceSource

public abstract class LuminanceSource extends Object
The purpose of this class hierarchy is to abstract different bitmap implementations across platforms into a standard interface for requesting greyscale luminance values. The interface only provides immutable methods; therefore crop and rotation create copies. This is to ensure that one Reader does not modify the original luminance source and leave it in an unknown state for other Readers in the chain.
Author: (Daniel Switkin)
  • Constructor Details

    • LuminanceSource

      protected LuminanceSource(int width, int height)
  • Method Details

    • getRow

      public abstract byte[] getRow(int y, byte[] row)
      Fetches one row of luminance data from the underlying platform's bitmap. Values range from 0 (black) to 255 (white). Because Java does not have an unsigned byte type, callers will have to bitwise and with 0xff for each value. It is preferable for implementations of this method to only fetch this row rather than the whole image, since no 2D Readers may be installed and getMatrix() may never be called.
      y - The row to fetch, which must be in [0,getHeight())
      row - An optional preallocated array. If null or too small, it will be ignored. Always use the returned object, and ignore the .length of the array.
      An array containing the luminance data.
    • getMatrix

      public abstract byte[] getMatrix()
      Fetches luminance data for the underlying bitmap. Values should be fetched using: int luminance = array[y * width + x] & 0xff
      A row-major 2D array of luminance values. Do not use result.length as it may be larger than width * height bytes on some platforms. Do not modify the contents of the result.
    • getWidth

      public final int getWidth()
      The width of the bitmap.
    • getHeight

      public final int getHeight()
      The height of the bitmap.
    • isCropSupported

      public boolean isCropSupported()
      Whether this subclass supports cropping.
    • crop

      public LuminanceSource crop(int left, int top, int width, int height)
      Returns a new object with cropped image data. Implementations may keep a reference to the original data rather than a copy. Only callable if isCropSupported() is true.
      left - The left coordinate, which must be in [0,getWidth())
      top - The top coordinate, which must be in [0,getHeight())
      width - The width of the rectangle to crop.
      height - The height of the rectangle to crop.
      A cropped version of this object.
    • isRotateSupported

      public boolean isRotateSupported()
      Whether this subclass supports counter-clockwise rotation.
    • invert

      public LuminanceSource invert()
      a wrapper of this LuminanceSource which inverts the luminances it returns -- black becomes white and vice versa, and each value becomes (255-value).
    • rotateCounterClockwise

      public LuminanceSource rotateCounterClockwise()
      Returns a new object with rotated image data by 90 degrees counterclockwise. Only callable if isRotateSupported() is true.
      A rotated version of this object.
    • rotateCounterClockwise45

      public LuminanceSource rotateCounterClockwise45()
      Returns a new object with rotated image data by 45 degrees counterclockwise. Only callable if isRotateSupported() is true.
      A rotated version of this object.
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      toString in class Object