fix: stop using prefixed core modules from nodejs (no-changelog)
Starting node 18, there are some core modules that only work with the `node:` prefix, like `node:test`. It's very likely that nodejs will switch to prefix-only core modules in the next versions as un-prefixed core modules are susceptible to supply-chain attacks.
* ⚡ enabled array-type
* ⚡ await-thenable on
* ⚡ ban-types on
* ⚡ default-param-last on
* ⚡ dot-notation on
* ⚡ member-delimiter-style on
* ⚡ no-duplicate-imports on
* ⚡ no-empty-interface on
* ⚡ no-floating-promises on
* ⚡ no-for-in-array on
* ⚡ no-invalid-void-type on
* ⚡ no-loop-func on
* ⚡ no-shadow on
* ⚡ ban-ts-comment re enabled
* ⚡ @typescript-eslint/lines-between-class-members on
* address my own comment
* @typescript-eslint/return-await on
* @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion on
* prefer-const on
* @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain on
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <>
* feat: Reduce initial memory spike at server startup (no-changelog)
This changes the frontend types generation to generate less garbage for the GC to collect.
* switch to stream pipelines for writing all the static files
and, move all static file generation before the server starts
* test(e2e): Update getters, add search and sort tests for credentials
* fix: Refactor sortOptions getter
* fix: fix merge conflict
* fix: removed double key
* fix: Add db and session reset for every credentials suite run
* fix: Avoid hashing workflows in the listing page
* stop returning full nodes data on the listings page when sharing is enabled
* fix the relations array for workflow listing
* add a comment explaining the hash skipping hack
* Mark binary data to be deleted when pruning executions
* eslint
* make pruneExecutionData async
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <>
* add tests
* ci: Setup cypress tasks for resetting DB, and setting up an owner
* add test tests to check for settings
* add more tests
* clean up
* rename tag
* update test id
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <>
* use user-folder override consistently everywhere, including for the `.cache` folder
* use consistent config for e2e tesing, skipping config loading from env and config files
* simplify all the cypress commands, and run all e2e tests on master
fix: invalid credentials should throw 401 and not 500
I missed to add these in
I've checked not that there are no other cases of http errors that aren't using error classes. This was the last one.
* ✨ Added `utils` module. Moved `canvasHelpers` and old `utils.ts` file to it
* ✨ Moved rest of utils and helpers
* ⚡ Fixing sytax errors
* 🔨 Refactoring new utils files
* 🔨 Organizing imports, adding comments and a bit more refactoring
* ✔️ Fixing tests
* 🔨 Moving mixins to `src`
* fix: Fix inferred type of X cannot be named error after pnpm update
* feat: Change page objects to expose actions and getters. Add credential creation suite
* 🐛 Fixes weekly schedule trigger and inconsitent behavior from Cron
* 🐛 Explicitly check if number of items is undefined
* 🐛 Add flag for first time execution
* Fix merge issues
* 🎨 Decomplexise logic for week interval
* fix: account for periods longer than minimum interval and first executions
Co-authored-by: Omar Ajoue <>
since we migrated to vite, storybook/webpack aren't doing all the babel transforms. that's we we need to revert all optional-chaining and nullish-coalescing in design-system.
Hopefully this will be remedied after we move to vite for storybook.
* ensure that eslint runs on all frontend code
* remove tslint from `design-system`
* enable prettier and eslint-prettier for `design-system`
* Delete tslint.json
* use a single editorconfig for the repo
* enable prettier for all code in `design-system`
* more linting fixes on design-system
* ignore coverage for git and prettier
* lintfix on editor-ui
* feat(editor): extract credentials view into reusable layout components for workflows view
* feat(editor): add workflow card and start work on empty state
* feat: add hoverable card and finish workflows empty state
* fix: undo workflows response interface changes
* chore: fix linting issues.
* fix: remove enterprise sharing env schema
* fix(editor): fix workflows resource view when sharing is enabled
* fix: change owner tag design and order
* feat: add personalization survey on workflows page
* fix: update component snapshots
* feat: refactored workflow card to use workflow-activator properly
* fix: fix workflow activator and proptypes
* fix: hide owner tag for workflow card until sharing is available
* fix: fixed ownedBy and sharedWith appearing for workflows list
* feat: update tags component design
* refactor: change resource filter select to n8n-user-select
* fix: made telemetry messages reusable
* chore: remove unused import
* refactor: fix component name casing
* refactor: use Vue.set to make workflow property reactive
* feat: add support for clicking on tags for filtering
* chore: fix tags linting issues
* fix: fix resources list layout when title words are very long
* refactor: add active and inactive status text to workflow activator
* fix: fix credentials and workflows sorting when name contains leading whitespace
* fix: remove wrongfully added style tag
* feat: add translations and storybook examples for truncated tags
* fix: remove enterprise sharing env from schema
* refactor: fix workflows module and workflows field store naming conflict
* feat: add workflow share button and open dummy modal
* feat: add workflow sharing modal (in progress)
* feat: add message when sharing disabled
* feat: add sharing messages based on flags
* feat: add workflow sharing api integration and readonly state handling
* fix: change how foreign credentials are handled
* refactor: migrate newly added workflow sharing store methods to pinia
* fix: update foreign credentials handler and add executable prop to node-settings
* fix: fix credentials display issue caused by addCredentials override
* fix: fix various issues when sharing from empty state
* fix: update node duplication credentials
* fix: revert defautl values for sharing env
* feat: hide share button behind feature flag
* chore: add env variable for sharing feature (testing only)
* fix: change enterprise-edition component casing
* upgrade ts-node
* move tslint and typescript to a single place
* source-map-support should be loaded in the `n8n` bin script, and not in core
* upgrade jest
* Support only node.js 14, 16, or 18
* ✨ Passing an execution mode to the preview iframe so UI can be adjusted based on it
* ✨ Handling production execution mode to hide the pin data in node details view
* fix: Fix inferred type of X cannot be named error after pnpm update
* preserve symlinks for `cli`
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <>
* use resource locator component for database -> get (Notion V1/V2)
* getDatabases search function for V1/V2 with url
* updated database get list placeholder
* get database RLC by url - regex support optional workspace domain names
* fixed linting error
* listSearch getDatabases support filter query
* support extractValue in getCurrentNodeParameter for RLC
* RLC for database page create/getAll operation
* RLC for database get operation support "By ID" with optional v param.
* use RLC in append blocks operation
* use RLC in NotionTrigger.nodes.ts
* removed unused loadOptions getDatabases
* support database RLC in createPage/createDbPage operation
* page create operation use RLC for parent page param
* page archive operation use RLC for page param
* removed unused imports
* fixed missing extractPageId in NotionV1.node.ts
* database page get operation use RLC for page param
* database page update operation use RLC for page param
* block getAll children operation use RLC for page param
* block append operation use RLC for block param
* support databaseId with optional '-' characters
* support blockId with optional '-' characters
* support pageId with optional '-' characters
* improved RLC descriptions and hints
* NotionTrigger node support databseId with optional '-' characters
* stricter RLC by ID regex rules for uuids
* stricter RLC by URL regex rules for uuids
* stricter RLC by ID regex rules for uuids (support max length)
* RLC regex from URL allow both http and https
* RLC by ID only allow uuid v4 with optional dash
* removed RLC from URL hint "Use Notion's copy link..."
* RLC from URL only allow uuid v4
* DB Status Column: Support Simplify Properties
* Notion Credentials: Support custom Notion-Version header
Use latest Notion-Version 2022-02-22 if not set
* DB Status Column: Support DB Page Create/Update
* DB Status Column: Support DB Page GetMany Filters
* removed unused paginationToken args
* Database Get: RLC by URL improve validation error message
* ✨ Added pinia support. Migrated community nodes module.
* ✨ Added ui pinia store, moved some data from root store to it, updated modals to work with pinia stores
* ✨ Added ui pinia store and migrated a part of the root store
* ✨ Migrated `settings` store to pinia
* ✨ Removing vuex store refs from router
* ✨ Migrated `users` module to pinia store
* ⚡ Fixing errors after sync with master
* ⚡ One more error after merge
* ⚡ Created `workflows` pinia store. Moved large part of root store to it. Started updating references.
* ✨ Finished migrating workflows store to pinia
* ⚡ Renaming some getters and actions to make more sense
* ✨ Finished migrating the root store to pinia
* ✨ Migrated ndv store to pinia
* ⚡ Renaming main panel dimensions getter so it doesn't clash with data prop name
* ✔️ Fixing lint errors
* ✨ Migrated `templates` store to pinia
* ✨ Migrated the `nodeTypes`store
* ⚡ Removed unused pieces of code and oold vuex modules
* ✨ Adding vuex calls to pinia store, fixing wrong references
* 💄 Removing leftover $store refs
* ⚡ Added legacy getters and mutations to store to support webhooks
* ⚡ Added missing front-end hooks, updated vuex state subscriptions to pinia
* ✔️ Fixing linting errors
* ⚡ Removing vue composition api plugin
* ⚡ Fixing main sidebar state when loading node view
* 🐛 Fixing an error when activating workflows
* 🐛 Fixing isses with workflow settings and executions auto-refresh
* 🐛 Removing duplicate listeners which cause import error
* 🐛 Fixing route authentication
* ⚡ Updating freshly pulled $store refs
* ⚡ Adding deleted const
* ⚡ Updating store references in ee features. Reseting NodeView credentials update flag when resetting workspace
* ⚡ Adding return type to email submission modal
* ⚡ Making NodeView only react to paste event when active
* 🐛 Fixing signup view errors
* ✨ Started migrating the `credentials` module to pinia
* 👌 Addressing PR review comments
* ✨ Migrated permissions module to pinia
* ✨ Migrated `nodeCreator`, `tags` and `versions` modules to pinia
* ✨ Implemented webhooks pinia store
* ⚡ Removing all leftover vuex files and references
* ✨ Removing final vuex refs
* ⚡ Updating expected credentialId type
* ⚡ Removing node credentials subscription code, reducing node click debounce timeout
* 🐛 Fixing pushing nodes downstream when inserting new node
* ✔️ Fixing a lint error in new type guard
* ⚡ Updating helper reference
* ✔️ Removing unnecessary awaits
* ⚡ fix(editor): remove unnecessary imports from NDV
* ⚡ Merging mapStores blocks in NodeView
* ⚡ fix(editor): make sure JS Plumb not loaded earlier than needed
* ⚡ Updating type guard nad credentials subscriptions
* ⚡ Updating type guard so it doesn't use `any` type
Co-authored-by: Csaba Tuncsik <>
* ⚡ Abstract into `getMany()`
* ⚡ Use `getMany()` from free controller
* ⚡ Use `getMany()` from paid controller
* 🧪 Add tests
* 🧪 Fix tests
* ⚡ Add credential usage info
* 🧪 Update tests
* ⚡ Add type and adjust test
* SIGTERM/SIGINT should only be handled once
* move error-handling initialization to commands
* create a new `sleep` function in workflow utils
* detect crashes and report them to Sentry
* ci: start supporting node.js 18
Node.js 18 becomes the active LTS on 2022-10-25, as Node.js 16 goes into maintenance mode.
* continue using node 16 for production images
* node 16 for debian and base images as well for now
* fix(editor): update `vue-json-pretty` package
* fix(editor): JSON view show string numbers and null properly
* fix(editor): testing if RunDataJson.vue display the values according to its type
* chore(editor): resolve package-lock.json conflict
* fix(editor): using @pinia/testing library to mock pinia store
* chore: fix package-lock.json after merge conflicts
* feat(cli): Setup error tracking using Sentry
* make error reporting available in the workflows package
* address some of the PR comments
* create a ErrorReporterProxy like LoggerProxy
* remove the `captureError` helper. use ErrorReporterProxy directly
* fix linting issues
* remove ErrorReporterProxy warnings in tests
* check for NODE_ENV === 'production' instead
* IErrorReporter -> ErrorReporter
* ErrorReporterProxy.getInstance() -> ErrorReporter
* allow capturing stacks in warnings as well
* make n8n debugging consistent with `npm start`
* IReportingOptions -> ReportingOptions
* use consistent signature for `error` and `warn`
* use Logger instead of console.log
* ✨ Added pinia support. Migrated community nodes module.
* ✨ Added ui pinia store, moved some data from root store to it, updated modals to work with pinia stores
* ✨ Added ui pinia store and migrated a part of the root store
* ✨ Migrated `settings` store to pinia
* ✨ Removing vuex store refs from router
* ✨ Migrated `users` module to pinia store
* ⚡ Fixing errors after sync with master
* ⚡ One more error after merge
* ⚡ Created `workflows` pinia store. Moved large part of root store to it. Started updating references.
* ✨ Finished migrating workflows store to pinia
* ⚡ Renaming some getters and actions to make more sense
* ✨ Finished migrating the root store to pinia
* ✨ Migrated ndv store to pinia
* ⚡ Renaming main panel dimensions getter so it doesn't clash with data prop name
* ✔️ Fixing lint errors
* ✨ Migrated `templates` store to pinia
* ✨ Migrated the `nodeTypes`store
* ⚡ Removed unused pieces of code and oold vuex modules
* ✨ Adding vuex calls to pinia store, fi xing wrong references
* 💄 Removing leftover $store refs
* ⚡ Added legacy getters and mutations to store to support webhooks
* ⚡ Added missing front-end hooks, updated vuex state subscriptions to pinia
* ✔️ Fixing linting errors
* ⚡ Removing vue composition api plugin
* ⚡ Fixing main sidebar state when loading node view
* 🐛 Fixing an error when activating workflows
* 🐛 Fixing isses with workflow settings and executions auto-refresh
* 🐛 Removing duplicate listeners which cause import error
* 🐛 Fixing route authentication
* ⚡ Updating freshly pulled $store refs
* Adding deleted const
* ⚡ Updating store references in ee features. Reseting NodeView credentials update flag when resetting workspace
* ⚡ Adding return type to email submission modal
* ⚡ Making NodeView only react to paste event when active
* 🐛 Fixing signup view errors
* 👌 Addressing PR review comments
* 👌 Addressing new PR comments
* 👌 Updating invite id logic in signup view
fix(editor): fix dark mode for the monaco editor (no-changelog)
just the default light and dark themes that are shipped with the editor
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <>
* refactor(editor): restrict mapping discoverability tooltip showing only on string input
* refactor(editor): renaming computed prop because not only string inputs can be mapped, but we want to show tooltips only on string inputs
* fix(editor): removing unused prop from ParameterInputWrapper.vue
* fix(editor): reorganizing and updating props in ParameterInputFull.vue
* fix(editor): proper typings for node related translations
* fix(editor): fix typings for input localisation functions
* fix(editor): simplifying localisation functions
* Revert "fix(editor): simplifying localisation functions"
This reverts commit 3d93ccf0cf.
* fix(editor): move nullish coalescing into called function
* fix(core): make `deepCopy` backward compatible
`JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())` uses `.toJSON` when available. so should `deepCopy`
* fix(core): prevent double quotes on luxon datetimes (#4508)
* 🐛 Prevent double quotes on luxon datetimes
* ⚡ Generalize solution
* update the types in packages/workflow/src/utils.ts
* add `toJSON` check to NodeErrors.isTraversableObject as well
* move the toJSON check before the cyclic dependency check
* fix(core): keep backward compatibility in deepCopy by calling `toJSON` on objects that have it
* fix(core): updating deepCopy typings
* Revert "fix(core): updating deepCopy typings"
This reverts commit 100a0f1f3d.
* fix(core): temporarily removing Date cloning from deepCopy
* fix(core): updating deepCopy types
* fix(core): updating deepCopy
* fix(core): updating deepCopy get prototype of object
Co-authored-by: Iván Ovejero <>
Co-authored-by: Csaba Tuncsik <>
* fix(editor): limiting columns in table view
* fix(editor): adding ghost table column with tooltip to table view
* fix(editor): limit columns to 40
* fix(editor): show table columns if it doesn't exceed the limit
* fix(editor): rolling back globalLinkActions changes
* fix(editor): using i18n tag for having cleaner event handling
* fix(editor): emphasizing magic variable
* fix(editor): removing unused prop
* fix(editor): fix node creator search when there's active subcategory
* 🎨 Add intersection util and replace lodash one with it
* 🎨 Remove unused imports
* feature: block UI in NDV when workflow is listening to events
* feature: hide stop listening button in parameters pane and show stop listening button in input pane for webhook
* feature: create block UI design system component
* fix: add back accidentally removed prop
* fix(editor): extend node settings event listener button functionality
* refactor(editor): using composition API in BlockUi component
* 📘 Clear all `@ts-ignore` comments from workflow package
* 👕 Default to error with package-level overrides
* refactor(core): clear all `@ts-ignore` comments from core package (#4473)
👕 Clear all `@ts-ignore` comments from core package
* ✏️ Update comment
* 📘 Update request type
* 📘 Update FE types
* ⚡ Adjust store
* ⚡ Set received hash
* ⚡ Send and load hash
* ⚡ Make helper more flexible
* 🗃️ Add new field to entity
* 🚨 Add check to endpoint
* 🧪 Add tests
* ⚡ Add `forceSave` flag
* 🐛 Fix workflow update failing on new workflow
* 🧪 Add more tests
* ⚡ Move check to `updateWorkflow()`
* ⚡ Refactor to accommodate latest changes
* 🧪 Refactor tests to keep them passing
* ⚡ Improve syntax
Jan realized that this was logging way too much (as in, we have way too many circular references).
I've changed this to be reported to Sentry, which should hopefully get merged next week.
The cookie and the JWT refresh is already handled in `refreshExpiringCookie` middleware, which only updates the cookie 3 days before the expiration.
The middleware also uses `issueCookie`, which ensures that attributes like `sameSite` and `httpOnly` are correctly set on the cookie.
* feat(editor): Setup dark-mode for the code-editor, with automatic switching
By default this feature is disabled. The feature can be toggled with `document.body.classList.toggle('dark-mode-beta')`
* change the beta class name
* switch codemirror theme over to css variables
* typeorm queries with AND for filter, schema validation
* validate filters
* replace json.parse with jsonParse()
* limited fields further
* limited workflow fields further
* removes date filter fields and fix waitTill filter
* simplified filter name arrays
* ✨ Added main header tabs with current workflow execution count
* ⚡ feat(editor): header tab navigation (no-changelog) (#4244)
* ✨ Adding current workflow execution list to the Vuex store
* ✨ Updating current workflow executions after running a workflow from the node view
* ✨ Keeping the tab view content alive when switching tabs in main header
* ✨ Updating main header controls to work with current workflow regardless of active tab
* 🐛 Fixing a bug with previous WF executions still visible after creating a new WF
* ⚡ Updating saved status when new WF is created
* ✨ Implemented initial version of execution perview
* ✨ Keeping the WF view alive when switching to executions tab in new navigation
* ✨ Implemented executions landing page
* ✨ Simplifying node view navigation
* ✨ Updating executions view zoom and selection to work with the new layout
* ✨ Using N8nRadioButtons component for main header tabs
* 💄 Implementing executions page states. Minor refactoring.
* ⚡ Merge conflict fixes and pieces of code that were left behind
* ⚡ Fixing layout and scrolling changes introduced after sync with master branch
* ⚡ Removing keep-alive from node view which broke template opening and some more leftover code
* ✔️ Fixing linting errors
* ✔️ One more lint error
* ⚡ Implemented executions preview using iframes
* ⚡ Fixing zoom menu positioning in iframe and adding different loading types to workflow preview
* ⚡ Fixing navigation to and from WF templates and template loading
* ⚡ Updating and fixing navigation to and from node view
* 👌 Addressing previous PR comments
* 🐛 Fixing infinite loading when saving a new workflow
* 🐛 Handling opening already opened WF when not on Node view
* ✨ Implemented empty states for executions view
* ⚡ Adding execute button shake flag to the store so it doesn't mess up navigation by modifying route params
* 💄 Started adding new styles to execution sidebar
* 💄 Adding hover style for execution list
* ⚡ Added ExecutionsCard component and added executions helper mixin
* ✔️ Fixing leftover conflict
* ✔️ One more conflict
* ✨ Implemented retry execution menu and manual execution icon. Other minor updates
* ✨ Implemented executions filtering
* 💄 Updating running executions details in preview
* ⚡ Added info accordion to executions sidebar
* ✨ Implemented auto-refresh for executions sidebar
* 💄 Adding running execution landing page, minor fixes
* 💄 General refactoring
* ✔️ Adding leftover conflict changes
* ✔️ Updating `InfoTip` component test snapshots
* ✔️ Fixing linting error
* ✔️ Fixing lint errors in vuex store module
* 👌 Started addressing review feedback
* ⚡ Updating executions preview behaviour when filters are applied
* 🐛 Fixing a bug where nodes and connections disappear if something is saved from executions view before loading WF in the main NodeView
* 🐛 Fixing pasting in executions view and wrong workflow activator state
* ⚡ Improved workflow switching and navigation, updated error message when trying to paste into execution
* ⚡ Some more navigation updates
* 💄 Fixing tab centering, execution filter button layout, added auto-refresh checkbox
* 🐛 Fixing a bug when saving workflow using save button
* 💄 Addressing design feedback, added delete execution button
* ⚡ Moving main execution logic to the root executions view
* ⚡ Implemented execution delete function
* ⚡ Updating how switching tabs for new unsaved workflows work
* ⚡ Remembering active execution when switching tabs
* 💄 Addressing design feedback regarding info accordion
* 💄 Updating execution card styling
* ⚡ Resetting executions when creating new workflow
* Fixing lint error
* ⚡ Hiding executions preview is active execution is not in the results. Updated execution list spacing
* ⚡ Fixing navigation to and from templates and executions
* ⚡ Implemented execution lazy loading and added new background to execution preview
* 💄 Disabling import when on executions tab
* ⚡ Handling opening executions from different workflow
* ⚡ Updating active execution on route change
* ⚡ Updating execution tab detection
* ⚡ Simplifying and updating navigation. Adding new route for new workflows
* ⚡ Updating workflow saving logic to work with new routes
* 🐛 Fixing a bug when returning to executions from different workflow
* 💄 Updating executions info accordion and node details view modal in execution preview
* 💄 Updating workflow activated modal to point to new executions view
* ⚡ Implemented opening new executions view from execution modal
* ⚡ Handling jsplumb init errors, updating unknown executions style
* ⚡ Updating main sidebar after syncing branch
* ⚡ Opening new trigger menu from executions view
* 💄 Updating sidebar resize behaviour
* ✔️ Fixing lint errors
* ⚡ Loading executions when mounting executions view
* ⚡ Resetting execution data when creating a new workflow
* 💄 Minor wording updates
* ⚡ Not reloading node view when new workflows are saved
* Removing leftover console log
* 🐛 Fixed a bug with save dialog not appearing when leaving executions tab
* ⚡ Updating manual execution settings detection in info accordion
* 💄 Addressing UI issues found during bug bash
* Fixing workflow saving logic
* ⚡ Preventing navigation if clicked tab is already opened
* ⚡ Updating lazy loading behaviour
* ⚡ Updating delete executions flow
* ⚡ Added retry executions button to the execution preview
* ⚡ Adding empty execution state, updating trigger detection logic, removing listeners when node view is not active
* 💄 Cosmetic code improvements
* ⚡ Trying the performance fix for nodeBase
* ⚡ Removing the `NodeBase`fix
* 🐛 Fixing a bug when saving the current workflow
* 👌 Addressing code review feedback
* 📦 Update `package-lock.json`
* 📦 Make versions consistent in design-system
* 📦 Make lib versions consistent in editor-ui
* 🔧 Make vite configs consistent
* fix(design-system): updating vue2-bring-avatars alias
Co-authored-by: Csaba Tuncsik <>
* ⚡ Add `updatedAt` to store
* ⚡ Set `updatedAt` in store
* 👕 Update FE types
* 👕 Update BE types
* ⚡ Set `updatedAt` on workflow open
* ⚡ Add endpoint check
* ⚡ Add first update check
* 🔥 Remove log
* ⚡ Simplify check
* ⚡ Make `makeWorkflow` more flexible
* 🗃️ Make `updatedAt` default consistent
* 🧪 Adjust tests checking for `updatedAt`
* 🧪 Add tests for interim changes block
* ✏️ Remove unneeded quotes
* ⏪ Simplify without using `-1`
* 👕 Simplify interfaces
* 🐛 Fix calls to `setWorkflowUpdatedAt` setter
* :track: Move update to API call
* ⚡ Restrict check to multiple users only
* 🧪 Add more tests
* 🐛 Account for activation outside of canvas
* ✏️ Add warning comment
* 🔥 Remove unneeded check
* ⏪ Revert to `new Date()` for `-1`
* 🐛 Fix display for never updated
* http node headers and query JSON parameter options added
* Query and Header added to option processing
* remove old set headers.
* ⚡ Small improvements
Co-authored-by: ricardo <>
* 🐛 Fix bug when response doesn't include content type
* ⚡ Improve autodetect response format
* ⚡ Make content-type match more specific
* ⚡ Improve list of content-types to download
* ⚡ Add `updatedAt` to store
* ⚡ Set `updatedAt` in store
* 👕 Update FE types
* 👕 Update BE types
* ⚡ Set `updatedAt` on workflow open
* ⚡ Add endpoint check
* ⚡ Add first update check
* 🔥 Remove log
* ⚡ Simplify check
* ⚡ Make `makeWorkflow` more flexible
* 🗃️ Make `updatedAt` default consistent
* 🧪 Adjust tests checking for `updatedAt`
* 🧪 Add tests for interim changes block
* ✏️ Remove unneeded quotes
* ⏪ Simplify without using `-1`
* 👕 Simplify interfaces
* ✨ Create Schedule node with MVP structure
* ✨ Add 24 increments for hours picker
* 🚨 Lintfix
* Add timestamp, add hour minute and cron expression
* Fix bug where there was one extra interval object
* Fix default value from fixedCollection
* 🐛 UI fixes
* 🎨 Changed logic to reflect UI fixes
* Fix auto intitialising
* Deprecated interval and cron in favor of schedule node
* 🐛 Ui fixes
* 🐛 Fix issue with week intervals
* 🚨 Lint fixes
* change order of days in the week to chronological order
* 🎨 change the order of the interval to chronological
* 🔥 delete schedule unused svg
* feat(editor): extract credentials view into reusable layout components for workflows view
* feat(editor): add workflow card and start work on empty state
* feat: add hoverable card and finish workflows empty state
* fix: undo workflows response interface changes
* chore: fix linting issues.
* fix: remove enterprise sharing env schema
* fix(editor): fix workflows resource view when sharing is enabled
* fix: change owner tag design and order
* feat: add personalization survey on workflows page
* fix: update component snapshots
* feat: refactored workflow card to use workflow-activator properly
* fix: fix workflow activator and proptypes
* fix: hide owner tag for workflow card until sharing is available
* fix: fixed ownedBy and sharedWith appearing for workflows list
* feat: update tags component design
* refactor: change resource filter select to n8n-user-select
* fix: made telemetry messages reusable
* chore: remove unused import
* refactor: fix component name casing
* refactor: use Vue.set to make workflow property reactive
* feat: add support for clicking on tags for filtering
* chore: fix tags linting issues
* fix: fix resources list layout when title words are very long
* refactor: add active and inactive status text to workflow activator
* fix: fix credentials and workflows sorting when name contains leading whitespace
* fix: remove wrongfully added style tag
* feat: add translations and storybook examples for truncated tags
* fix: remove enterprise sharing env from schema
* refactor: fix workflows module and workflows field store naming conflict
* fix: fix workflow activator wrapping
* feat: updated empty workflows list cards design
* feat: update workflow activator margins and workflow card
* feat: add duplicate workflow functionality and update tags
* feat: fix duplicate workflow flow
* fix: fix status color for workflow activator with could not be started status
* fix: remove createdAt and updatedAt from workflow duplication
* fix(editor): remove code that never runs from table view
* fix(editor): show null in table view
* fix(editor): handle nil values properly
* fix(editor): add double quotes around strings
* fix(editor): remove unused function
* Revert "fix(editor): remove code that never runs from table view"
This reverts commit 167312d059.
* fix(editor): applying Max's review
* feat(ExecuteWorkflowTrigger node): Implement ExecuteWorkflowTrigger node (#4108)
* feat(ExecuteWorkflowTrigger node): Implement ExecuteWorkflowTrigger node
* feat(editor): Do not show duplicate button if canvas contains `maxNodes` amount of nodes
* feat(ManualTrigger node): Implement ManualTrigger node (#4110)
* feat(ManualTrigger node): Implement ManualTrigger node
* 📝 Remove generics doc items from ManualTrigger node
* feat(editor-ui): Trigger tab redesign (#4150)
* 🚧 Begin with TriggerPanel implementation, add Other Trigger Nodes subcategory
* 🚧 Extracted categorized categories/subcategory/nodes rendering into its own component — CategorizedItems, removed SubcategoryPanel, added translations
* ✨ Implement MainPanel background scrim
* ♻️ Move `categoriesWithNodes`, 'visibleNodeTypes` and 'categorizedItems` to store, implemented dynamic categories count based on `selectedType`
* 🐛 Fix SlideTransition for all the NodeCreato panels
* 💄 Fix cursos for CategoryItem and NodeItem
* 🐛 Make sure ALL_NODE_FILTER is always set when MainPanel is mounted
* 🎨 Address PR comments
* label: Use Array type for CategorizedItems props
* 🏷️ Add proper types for Vue props
* 🎨 Use standard component registration for CategorizedItems inside TriggerHelperPanel
* 🎨 Use kebab case for main-panel and icon component
* 🏷️ Improve types
* feat(editor-ui): Redesign search input inside node creator panel (#4204)
* 🚧 Begin with TriggerPanel implementation, add Other Trigger Nodes subcategory
* 🚧 Extracted categorized categories/subcategory/nodes rendering into its own component — CategorizedItems, removed SubcategoryPanel, added translations
* ✨ Implement MainPanel background scrim
* ♻️ Move `categoriesWithNodes`, 'visibleNodeTypes` and 'categorizedItems` to store, implemented dynamic categories count based on `selectedType`
* 🐛 Fix SlideTransition for all the NodeCreato panels
* 💄 Fix cursos for CategoryItem and NodeItem
* 🐛 Make sure ALL_NODE_FILTER is always set when MainPanel is mounted
* 🎨 Address PR comments
* label: Use Array type for CategorizedItems props
* 🏷️ Add proper types for Vue props
* 🎨 Use standard component registration for CategorizedItems inside TriggerHelperPanel
* ✨ Redesign search input and unify usage of categorized items
* 🏷️ Use lowercase "Boolean" as `isSearchVisible` computed return type
* 🔥 Remove useless emit
* ✨ Implement no result view based on subcategory, minor fixes
* 🎨 Remove unused properties
* feat(node-email): Change EmailReadImap display name and name (#4239)
* feat(editor-ui): Implement "Choose a Triger" action and related behaviour (#4226)
* ✨ Implement "Choose a Triger" action and related behaviour
* 🔇 Lint fix
* ♻️ Remove PlaceholderTrigger node, add a button instead
* 🎨 Merge onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave to a single function
* 💡 Add comment
* 🔥 Remove PlaceholderNode registration
* 🎨 Rename TriggerPlaceholderButton to CanvasAddButton
* ✨ Add method to unregister custom action and rework CanvasAddButton centering logic
* 🎨 Run `setRecenteredCanvasAddButtonPosition` on `CanvasAddButton` mount
* fix(editor): Fix selecting of node from node-creator panel by clicking
* 🔀 Merge fixes
* fix(editor): Show execute workflow trigger instead of workflow trigger in the trigger helper panel
* feat(editor): Fix node creator panel slide transition (#4261)
* fix(editor): Fix node creator panel slide-in/slide-out transitions
* 🎨 Fix naming
* 🎨 Use kebab-case for transition component name
* feat(editor): Disable execution and show notice when user tries to run workflow without enabled triggers
* fix(editor): Address first batch of new WF experience review (#4279)
* fix(editor): Fix first batch of review items
* bug(editor): Fix nodeview canvas add button centering
* 🔇 Fix linter errors
* bug(ManualTrigger Node): Fix manual trigger node execution
* fix(editor): Do not show canvas add button in execution or demo mode and prevent clicking if creator is open
* fix(editor): do not show pin data tooltip for manual trigger node
* fix(editor): do not use nodeViewOffset on zoomToFit
* 💄 Add margin for last node creator item and set font-weight to 700 for category title
* ✨ Position welcome note next to the added trigger node
* 🐛 Remve always true welcome note
* feat(editor): Minor UI and UX tweaks (#4328)
* 💄 Make top viewport buttons less prominent
* ✨ Allow user to switch to all tabs if it contains filter results, move nodecreator state props to its own module
* 🔇 Fix linting errors
* 🔇 Fix linting errors
* 🔇 Fix linting errors
* chore(build): Ping Turbo version to 1.5.5
* 💄 Minor traigger panel and node view style changes
* 💬 Update display name of execute workflow trigger
* feat(core, editor): Update subworkflow execution logic (#4269)
* ✨ Implement `findWorkflowStart`
* ⚡ Extend `WorkflowOperationError`
* ⚡ Add `WorkflowOperationError` to toast
* 📘 Extend interface
* ✨ Add `subworkflowExecutionError` to store
* ✨ Create `SubworkflowOperationError`
* ⚡ Render subworkflow error as node error
* 🚚 Move subworkflow start validation to `cli`
* ⚡ Reset subworkflow execution error state
* 🔥 Remove unused import
* ⚡ Adjust CLI commands
* 🔥 Remove unneeded check
* 🔥 Remove stray log
* ⚡ Simplify syntax
* ⚡ Sort in case both Start and EWT present
* ♻️ Address Omar's feedback
* 🔥 Remove unneeded lint exception
* ✏️ Fix copy
* 👕 Fix lint
* fix: moved find start node function to catchable place
Co-authored-by: Omar Ajoue <>
* 💄 Change ExecuteWorkflow node to primary
* ✨ Allow user to navigate to all tab if it contains search results
* 🐛 Fixed canvas control button while in demo, disable workflow activation for non-activavle nodes and revert zoomToFit bottom offset
* :fix: Do not chow request text if there's results
* 💬 Update noResults text
Co-authored-by: Iván Ovejero <>
Co-authored-by: Omar Ajoue <>
* ✨ Create Schedule node with MVP structure
* ✨ Add 24 increments for hours picker
* 🚨 Lintfix
* Add timestamp, add hour minute and cron expression
* Fix bug where there was one extra interval object
* Fix default value from fixedCollection
* 🐛 UI fixes
* 🎨 Changed logic to reflect UI fixes
* Fix auto intitialising
* Deprecated interval and cron in favor of schedule node
* 🐛 Ui fixes
* 🐛 Fix issue with week intervals
* 🚨 Lint fixes
* change order of days in the week to chronological order
* perf: update deepCopy
* fix: using deepCopy in core and cli packages
* fix: using deepCopy in editor
* chore: formatting
* fix: some micro optimisation in deepCopy
* ⚡ implemented automatic credential selection in nodes
* ⚡ fixed implementation
* ⚡ fixed linter error
* 🔨 in progress, removed watching for auth type, added check for more then one existing credential
* 🔨 removed console log
* 🔨 changing auth method for one that have default credential
* 🔨 credentials will be set only at node creation time
* 🔨 fixed authentication parameter assigment for nodes that does not have it
* ⚡ better properties checking
* 🔨 improvements
* 🔨 extracted into function, fix issue with assigning hidden credentials
* remove console log
* fix bug with multiple creds
* fix defaults issue
* remove import
* simplify to just auth
* Revert "simplify to just auth"
* fix get
Co-authored-by: Mutasem <>
* add support for authenticate, test to RundeckApi Credentials
* ensure that the RunDeckApi note uses the authentication mechanism
defined incredentials
* 🐛 Fix `BASE_PATH` for Vite dev mode
* don't use the string `/{{BASE_PATH}}/` as it gets replaces in build
* fix the static urls on windows
* ffs node 14
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <>
* fix(editor-ui): fix axios baseUrl when hosted under a subfolder
* don't rewrite the favicon url twice
* setup a base href for all relative urls
* fix static urls
BREAKING CHANGE: The Merge node list of operations was rearranged.
Merge node: 'Combine' operation was added with 'Combine Mode' option, operations 'Merge By Fields', 'Merge By Position' and 'Multiplex' placed under 'Combine Mode' option.
To update -go to the workflows that use the Merge node, select 'Combine' operation and then choose an option from 'Combination Mode' that matches an operation that was previously used. If you want to continue even on error, you can set "Continue on Fail" to true.